full details
$35 / yr
(Just $2.92 / mo)
$215.88 / yr
($17.99 / mo)
Your own subdomain / dedicated URL
e.g. your-name.gotartwork.com
or choose somethingelse.gotartwork.com
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You and your friends can quickly access your profile page by visiting your-name.gotartwork.com
Themable subdomains
Make your subdomain your-name.gotartwork.com
look like it's a separate website.
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You can choose from several themes, add your own
header image, change
the header text on the top and create your own pages.
Your subdomain will function as if it's a separate website and references to Got Artwork will be kept to
a minimum.
Any artworks / blogs / events that you add at Got Artwork, will be instantly available on your subdomain.
Your customers can shop for print on demand copies of your artworks from your-name.gotartwork.com.!!!
Here are a few sample subdomains.
Online Shops Widget NEW
Transform your existing website from a simple site to a full blown online shop with it's own shopping cart. No Coding skills necessary.
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Easy to set up with a simple Copy / Paste code from our Marketing Tool's
Widgets section.
Your customers will be able to add items to their shopping cart and securely check out with credit card or PayPal.
Several themes are available to better merge with your existing website.
Your own Top-Level Domain / Website
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A domain name can be up to 63 characters long (A to z,
0 to 9 and - characters only)
Do not type the www. before your domain name when registering.
With just a few clicks you can select from any one of our
beautifully pre-designed website templates and you have
a website that doesn't look like yet another dull, generic artist website.
Create your own pages and customize your website menu.
We've made it EASY for you. You don't have to learn HTML or hire a web
just so you can have a beautiful website. You can instead focus on
making artworks!
Any artworks / blogs / events that you add at Got Artwork, will be instantly available on your website.
Your customers can shop for print on demand copies of your artworks from your
Original Artwork Listing and Offer Form
Mark your originals as available for sale.
Collectors can send you an Offer or Inquiry. Includes Automatic Threat assesment
against largest online database of supspicious IP addresses via
Project Honey Pot, an IP Back-Trace
other security features.
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Note: We do not sell originals nor facilitate financial
transactions between you, the artist, and the buyer. Customers have to contact
and make arrangements about purchasing original artwork directly with you.
Print On Demand
Participate in our print on demand program and earn
$$$ from your artwork sales.
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We print copies of your artwork on demand (i.e. when a customer wants to purchase a product with your artwork printed on it).
You specify your own markup and earn 100% of the specified amount
when a print on demand copy is sold *
Print on demand is available on the following product types
- Canvas
- Giclee Poster Prints
- Framed Giclee Poster Prints
- Greeting Card
- T-Shirt
- Wall Calendar Poster Prints
*except when you set up your personal sales/promotions.
Cleared Artwork Licensing Program NEW
Allow your Print On Demand print copies to be used for set dressing in films, TV, commercials & more.
Earn $100.00 USD
from the licensed print copy sales.
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Production Designers, Set Decorators and Art Directors need to acquire hassle-free, clear-able artwork for use as
set dressing in films, TV, commercials, photo shoots, magazines, newspapers, trailers and other uses connected with the television or motion picture production and/or promotion.
In order to facilitate the quick and hassle free purchase of your artwork prints, you can participate in our Cleared Artwork program with just a few mouse clicks.
This program doesn’t limit you to just a single potential client in the entertainment industry, but allows any willing client to purchase and use your artwork.
Imagine the possibilities!!! Aside from the licensing fee you earn, you might see your artwork hanging from a stage wall in a TV show or a movie.
Each print-copy* license sold will earn you $100.00 in addition to your print on demand markup amount.
*The license as well as your earnings will be applied per set for set based items such as Greeting Cards. For Example: 1 License for a pack of qty X Greeting Cards
Artwork Promotions
Create promotional codes and draw in customers who may be hesitant to buy
your artworks.
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Set up percentage(%) or amount($) based promotions / discounts towards the
markup amount of your artworks or specific artwork collections. Then you can use
our Email campaign tool or Blog to annouce the sale to your subscribers or friends.
Artist Limit (Galleries Only)
Number of artists your gallery can represent with your membership plan.
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Gallery accounts can represent other artists within gotartwork.com.
Given the nature of such accounts, we limit the number of artists a gallery
can represent.
Artwork Pages
Each artwork that you upload will have it's own beautiful page
complete with any description that you enter.
Artwork Limit
Number of active artworks you can have with your membership plan.
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The services that we offer require that we pay for server costs, bandwidth and
maintenance. Hence, we limit the number of artworks that our members with the
basic (Free) plan can put on our site. But we're pretty generous with this
limitation, and we hope that it's more than enough for new artists and art students.
Accessory Commission
Earn accessory commission from frames and mattings.
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Whenever someone purchases a framed and matted
print on demand copy of one of
your artworks, you'll not only earn your print on demand markup, but also
commission from the frames and mattings.
Member Printing Discount
Order print on demand copies of your own artworks or personal photos and receive
membership discounts.
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as an artist, you need to do your own art show. And for that you may need to order
products of your own artworks.
Although our prices are very competitive, you can get additional discounts just
for being a member.
Featured Artist Listing
Chance to be listed as a featured artist on our home page.
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Our website generates a random list of artists once a day.
This gives you a chance of increased exposure to potential customers.
Featured Artwork Listing
Chance to get your artworks listed on our home page.
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Our website generates a random list of artworks once a day.
This gives your artworks a chance of increased exposure to potential customers.
Facebook Sync.

Synchronize your account activity with Facebook.
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Whenever you add a new artwork, blog, event
or a sale promotion, a message will appear on your
facebook wall for all your friends and family to see.
Sell on Facebook

Add an "Artwork Shop" to your facebook pages.
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Sell your artworks from facebook.
Your Facebook friends and and visitors can browse your artworks directly within your
Facebook pages and be redirected to your art page when they wish to buy print on demand
copies of your artworks.
Affiliate Program
Earn $5 for each
referred new member that
upgrades to one of our paid membership plans.
Email Campaigns & Newsletters
Easily crate and customize beautiful emails without the need to learn HTML and
send them to your clients and subscribers.
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Are you tired of other sites offering you "customizable" HTML emails?
As an artist, promoting your artwork doesn't mean learning HTML and then
figuring out how to put everything together in order to create beautiful email
Don't be fooled by sites that offer you half complete features when it comes to
making beautiful emails. Try ours.
Art Blogs
Easily create your beautiful blog posts without the need to learn HTML.
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Many art websites let you create your own blog, but with incomplete features you
need knowledge of HTML coding just so you can create beautiful blog pages.
Not anymore.
You don't need a separate Wordpress or Blogger page for that. Our blogging feature
will integrate with your account or your own website.
Art Events
Create and Sign up for events and let everyone know about your art related
events like, art fairs, gallery exhibits etc.